
Burnout Tips: Yoga, which rids one of woes, is accomplished only by him/her who is Regulated in diet and recreation, Regulated in performing actions, and Regulated in sleep and wakefulness. The Bhagavadgita: Chapter 6, Verse 17

Burnout & How to Help Yourself

Have you heard of Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)? It is the leading measure of burnout in the workplace and was developed by Dr. Christina Maslach, Dr. Susan E Jackson, et al.

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Are You Tracking Your Daily Rituals?

In an earlier post, I shared tips on how you can re-engage with your incomplete goals or start new ones. I also suggested you create a tracker in Excel to monitor your daily rituals. The reality is, I create my tracker in Excel, print it, and use the old-fashioned method of pen and paper to check off what I do.

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