Pause. Sit. Breathe. Reflect. Write. — Questions to provoke your thinking and guide you on your next steps.
This is the first of a series of questions which I hope you will use to build momentum towards your goals.
This is the first of a series of questions which I hope you will use to build momentum towards your goals.
In an earlier post, I shared tips on how you can re-engage with your incomplete goals or start new ones. I also suggested you create a tracker in Excel to monitor your daily rituals. The reality is, I create my tracker in Excel, print it, and use the old-fashioned method of pen and paper to check off what I do.
The Emotion Wheel helps us identify, express, generate, and change our feelings. It was first developed by Dr. Gloria Wilcox and several modifications now exist. I sourced this version from Calm.
What should we add? Most communication experts tell us of words to cut from our vocabulary to build credibility. What about the ones we should add?
What comes to your mind with these astute words from Paulo Coelho, “One Day or Day One?”
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